FF INNOVATION is not an easy task. Differentiating your product or brand in a very competitive market is the biggest challenge. But the questioning where you will stand, in the future is relevant.
Eating and drinking is something we all do and stays important It touches us in the core of our human existence and you can help the consumer to stay healty and sustainable through future food.
Food innovation is therefore an adventurous journey where creativity and analysis
go hand in hand.
Are you curious about how we can prepare your innovative dish?

Batch is a food innovation brand!
"Experience the Ultimate Fusion of Food Innovation and Creative Culinary Exploration with BATCH:
Your Answer to a World of Food Challenges. Delve into a captivating journey that unravels the mysteries of the food chain, production techniques, and the art of blending cutting-edge ingredients and time-tested methods.
Join us for a sensational taste test, where BATCH unveils the tantalizing essence of future food at its finest!"

/Fermented peajus/

/Flavored butter from entomilk/

FF (CO)CREATION is about sitting together at the table!
I invite you to participate to a journey of FF innovation and insights in a thoughtful and structured way, fitting your needs.
Through experimental research, I explore the possibilities of preparing and fine-tuning your product and getting a taste for the challenges of tomorrow.
In order to ultimately serve your goal foodproduct. That have bold taste, is sustainable and healthy for people and the planet!
Additionally, testing a product with consumers to determine if it is future proof or acceptable can be done through targeted surveys and taste tests.